Second Chances

What birthday would it be if I didn’t write a blog? I’ve actually had this topic in mind for a little while. Historically I have had a really hard time letting go of grudges or attitudes towards things/people, that originated during a very dark, angry time in my life. I am learning that everyone deserves a second chance, because I most likely didn’t give them a fair first chance. I’ve started approaching people and events with an open mind and open heart. Maybe the perception in my head isn’t what really is going on present day.

I have a coworker/colleague, now I even consider a good friend, whom I really just didn’t like in high school. I’m not sure why I didn’t like her to be honest. Probably something to do with jealousy I’m sure, but I just never liked her. I continued to tell myself I didn’t like her, but I didn’t really have a good reason. Once I started to really get to know her (mostly through work), I realized I do in fact like her, and I think she’s a great person, with great intentions, and is so helpful. I am very happy I gave her a second chance, because she deserved it.

For a very long time I’ve spoken poorly about someone else, who did not make a great impression on me quite some time ago (2010/2011). I’ve carried that dislike with me for ten years, with no real concrete reason to still dislike him or belittle him. Just last week I gave him a second chance and he actually impressed me. It was hard swallowing the truth pill and admitting maybe I was wrong.

I wonder how many other people I haven’t given a fair shot or second chance to. In the same breath, I wonder how many people haven’t given me a second chance because of the person I was 15, 10, heck even 5 years ago. I really do believe people can change; I just wish it didn’t take me so long to see it.

Now there are exceptions to everything, always. And I will not be giving a second chance to Brett, Bart, or Eric any time soon. Some things cannot be undone.

So if you have a perception of me from years past, please take into consideration I’ve grown a lot as a person. I will take the same consideration towards you. [Almost] Everyone deserves a second chance.