“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”
You’ve probably seen this quote on Pinterest, Twitter, or Facebook. Perhaps you hit the Like or Share buttons. Maybe, like me, you smiled and kept scrolling.
But my thoughts on this quote have changed a bit. It really seems to have sunk in. Sometimes, the people whom you think have everything going for them, might just be struggling, fighting a battle, or possibly even in your same boat.
Once again, like so many times before, I heard, “You have depression? I would have never guessed!”
Well guess what? I never imagined you being here either, so I guess we’re even!
All joking aside, I think this person may have asked God for help. God sent me. (I’d love to take credit for that thought, but it was really my mama who pointed it out.)
A person whom I’ve admired practically my whole life asked for help. Little did they know, I could relate and offer a listening ear… at the very least. It’s nice knowing you’re not alone and someone else can relate.
I could tell this person was at first a little embarrassed. Mental illness still is not normalized. As much as I wish it was, we’re just not there yet. There is no shame in asking for help. It’s ok to be scared; I’d be worried if you weren’t. I’d love nothing more than to be a full-time advocate for mental health (but that doesn’t pay my bills or support my gambling habit).
Honestly though, I was helping myself. I haven’t talked about my struggles lately, and it felt so good to just let it out. I still get nervous telling someone new about my depression, anxiety, and bi-polar… but, I don’t cry anymore when I say it! That is some real progress. I own those diagnoses!
Maybe you too are needing a little extra help or someone to talk to. I am by no means saying I am that person, but if you need a little support, I am here for you. I’ve been there, I’ve done that– I’m still doing that. I still struggle every single day. It never goes away, but it does get easier.
In short, please just remember, everyone is going through something, big or small. To them, it is their world, their reality. Be kind.