Didn’t He Know?
*This is my first recorded manic episode, written in the deer blind. As silly as most of this will sound, it is what I go through, a lot.*
Why today of all days I thought I could be independent. I decided that even though Jake couldn’t get off work to go hunting like we’ve done for the last 13 years, I would just go by myself. What a joke! I was pissed before I even left.
Didn’t he know my muck boots were on top of the garage fridge and I couldn’t reach them? Didn’t he know I haven’t been able to find my UnderArmour for weeks and he should have magically made it appear 10 minutes before I needed to leave? Didn’t he know my phone doesn’t hold a charge and I needed that blue Aqua charger thingy Uncle Bob gave us one year for Christmas that has suddenly disappeared into his hunting backpack?
I slow my roll and tell myself to calm down. Not today. I’ve been doing so good, no manic episodes today. Not yet. No one will even know if I make it to the woods 30 minutes later than I had planned. Oh, but wait, I remember he didn’t put any chairs in the blind, so I now have to get a bag chair… hanging 9 foot up on the garage wall and I’m a generous 5’3”. Didn’t he know I couldn’t reach those chairs? In addition to that chair, I’m going to need my gloves, some Hot Hands, a pen and paper to write this rant on, some snacks and that damn phone charger I can’t find. Didn’t he know I’d need a bag to carry that all in? I haven’t even mentioned my gun yet. Didn’t he know I’d take the Mossberg? I always take the Mossberg, I hate the Remington. Didn’t he know I’d need that in my SUV, why didn’t he put it in there for me?
Finally I pull my big girl britches on and have everything I need. Damn, I can do things for myself. My blood pressure has sky-rocketed, but I think I’ve avoided a manic episode. For now.
Fast forward 30 minutes to when I arrive across the road from our hunting blind. I calmly get out of my SUV and begin to get ready. I put my boots on… shit… my socks don’t feel right. Nope, can’t do it. Take one boot off, re-position said sock, put boot back on. Nope! Still isn’t right. I try taking the boot back off, lose my balance, fall against my vehicle, rip that f’ing boot off and chuck it across the parking lot (I parked at a business… luckily they were closed and hopefully their security cameras did not get this footage.) Now I have to walk across the gravel to get the boot and put it back on. Finally, both socks/boots are perfect.
Deep breath. I get my gun out of its case and have a minor panic attack. How do I load this thing? My heart starts racing, fear and panic come over me. Do I drive up the road to the neighbor’s and ask for help? NO. I can do this. FOCUS. My thoughts are racing and my hands are shaking. Think Mandy, think. Yes! I remember. I load the gun, double-check the safety and all is good. I grab the bag chair I got off the garage wall with a broom, my cooler that doesn’t have any drinks in it (remember: gloves, Hot Hands, a pen and paper, some snacks and that damn phone charger… yes I put them in a cooler). Holy hell this is a lot to be carrying while tromping through the woods. Deep breath, I can do this. A little ray of sunshine! Someone left the gate open for me, something I don’t have to do… smile on my face!
I start to make my way to the blind. Shit! Where did he put it? Didn’t he know to tell me where it is this year? Do I have to cross the creek? Yes of course I do, where else would he put it? But didn’t he know I’d have to cross the creek by myself, alone, while carrying a gun, bag chair, and cooler?
I make my way up the side of the embankment. It’s pure mud. I slip and fall… into the water. Are you freaking kidding me? Didn’t he know I’d have to climb this embankment with no one pulling me up like he normally does?
I shake it off and fight back the tears. I head towards the blind. Why can’t I find it? I’m walking in the general direction and there, collapsed to the ground—the blind. The roof, covered in snow, is laying on the ground. I feel tears start to fill my eyes. Now what? Anger comes over me. I get out my phone to call Jake. Didn’t he know the snow would make the blind cave in?
No answer. Lucky him.
I throw the cooler, bag chair and gun on the ground. Relaaaax. I can do this, I can put it back up. Wrong. Not tall enough. C’mon Mandy, think! I get the bag chair out to stand on and am able to get it pushed back up. Genius! Wait… what was that noise? I look back towards the north and there it is, a buck chasing a doe. Where’s my gun? Oh that’s right, on the ground under the cooler and bag chair. I watch them run away across the road. I try calling Jake again.
No answer. Lucky him.
Didn’t he know there would be deer in here? Didn’t he know I would scare them off while trying to fix this blind? Didn’t he know I would have an absolute meltdown trying to do this all on my own?
Now I’m writing this and wondering, why am I so angry with him? Or am I really? Maybe I’m just refusing to be angry with myself. I’m beginning to realize I always deflect my personal angry towards him. That really isn’t fair.
Breath, Mandy. HE DIDN’T KNOW.
I’m a victim of this blind rage too. In fact, a lot of the stuff you wrote about in your opening post resonated with me because it was like looking into a window at myself; the obsessiveness, the ups and downs, the anger.. God, the anger. I’ve never been diagnosed with anything but mild depression (and that was after Bo was born so my family doctor was the one who prescribed paxil) I wouldn’t even know where to begin to find out what might be going on with the chemicals in my brain. But your posts definitely soothe that need to not feel crazy and alone. I’m so glad you’re putting it out there!