Why do you want this documented?

Why do I? I want to remember this day. I need to remember this day. This day, was a hard day. A year from now, two years from now, twenty years from now, I need to remember this day.

The day I decide if this is do or die. They say you don’t know how strong you are until you have no other choice. Well, I have no other choice.

I have two little girls who will at first see fear and uncertainty, but in the end will see courage, bravery, and strength.

Strength… strength is easier in numbers. Strength is telling my story. Strength is kicking ass at all costs.

But fear and uncertainty are also present. I need to remember today. Today is the last day I’m allowed to ask, “Why me?” Today is the last day I get to feel this scared. This is why, I need this documented.


In an effort to answer what questions I can, I’ve attached an SBAR…

Situation. Current diagnosis: infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Grade 2, stage still undetermined. ER and PR testing both positive, HER2 still pending. Genetic testing pending.

Background. No family hx, no hx of smoking, no known indicators. 7/23/23 concern for unusual lump. 7/26/23 contacted gyne provider who ordered breast ultrasound. 8/2/23 ultrasound shows mass measuring 2.0 cm, suspicious abnormality, biopsy ordered. 8/3/23 biopsy resulted ductal carcinoma, intermediate grade. 8/4/23 discussed results with gyne provider and referred to oncology. Oncologist ordered MRI. 8/8/23 MRI results 2.2 cm mass, 1.5 cm mass, multiple enchancing lesions, enlarged left axillary lymph nodes.

Assessment. 8/9/23 meeting with oncologist. Plan of care dependent on results of upcoming PET scan and pending HER2 results. These results will determine what mix of chemo, radiation, and/or surgery will be pursued.

Recommendation. Pray for the best, expect the worst.